Naos supports you in your strategic projects and offers you
• 360° analysis of attractiveness (y.c revenue pool) and feasibility (y.c room to grow)
• Evidence based targeting of segments / geographies to be addressed taking into account addressable potential and penetration capacity (incl. entry barriers, regulation)
• Clarification / design of the target business model (including greenfield, brownfield) and the partnerships to be established
(Where to play? How to win?)
• Scaling of the opportunity (including potential revenue pool, # potential customers, competitive and regulatory environment)
• Strategic plan definition (including customer positioning and targeting, value proposition)
• Development of the operational implementation platform (incl. business plan, organisational implications, implementation master plan)
• Identify the potential for the development of business lines in countries/regions
• Define strategies for setting up industrial ecosystems
• Structure PPP projects and support in the negotiation process with private parties
Recent Achievements
Strategic positioning of a leading Moroccan player in Investment Banking activities in Africa (including Where to play?
Strategic positioning of a leading Moroccan player on Investment Banking activities in Africa (y.c Where to play ? How to win ?)
– Definition of the industrial positioning strategy of a free zone in Morocco (including target sectors, value proposition, public-private partnership)
– Positioning strategy of a Moroccan agro-industrial player on its business segments in Africa (external growth, organic growth)
How do I win?)
– Strategic position of a leading Moroccan player in investment banking activities in Africa (including Where to play? How to win?)
– Definition of the industrial strategy for a free zone in Morocco (including target sectors, value proposition, public-private partnership)
– Positioning strategy of a Moroccan agro-industrial player on its business segments in Africa (external growth, organic growth)
– Definition of the industrial positioning strategy for a Free Zone in Morocco (including target sectors, value proposition, public-private partnership)
– Positioning strategy of a Moroccan agro-industrial player on its business segments in Africa (external growth, organic growth)